Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Make Your Own Online Quiz

For our Digital Literacy labs, one option was to make a survey.  I decided to instead make a quiz. 

With finals approaching, I decided it sounded fun to make my own quiz.  My family has a Thanksgiving Trivia quiz that we have used for many years.  I used an online free quiz making website called ProProfs.com to make my quiz.  You can sign-up for free and make your own quizzes too.  It is really simple and fast! Here is how you can do it!

1.  Go to ProProfs.com

2.  Click on “Try it FREE”

3.  After creating an account, click on “Create A Quiz”.

4. You can select what type of quiz you want to make.

5. Enter the information for your quiz.  You can choose what types of questions you want to have.

6. Congratulations! You have now created your own quiz.  You can post it on the web for other people to take.

Check out my Thanksgiving Quiz. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tremendous!
    This is really interesting post, this is best way to become expert, with the help of such kind of quiz you increase your knowledge so thanks a lot Make your own quiz.
