In class on Tuesday, it was discussed that mastering a language unlocks powers for an individual. I think that one area where we see this as a significant example is with children. When an infant is born they quickly learn to communicate, though their abilities are quite limited. They are able to cry, smile, etc. to send different messages. However, as they grow they begin to try to imitate the sounds that they hear around them.
When they are finally able to put the sounds together to form a word, they get closer to mastering the human language, and likewise their ability and power to communicate increases. Rather than crying when they are tired, thirsty, hungry, sad, and frustrated, they start to express their feelings and desires through words. The power in this is that it becomes that much easier for them to get what they want, because those around them are better able to understand them.
As they continue to grow up, they must learn to speak better and understand even more than they previously had, because the manner that was acceptable for the 1-year-old to ask for something is no longer considered mastery for the 6-year-old who keeps yelling “Drink! Drink! Drink!”
In these digital days, in order to master the human language, one must also master the digital language. Children can no longer plan to live their lives without needing to use a computer. Just as a young child has to learn how to put sounds together to form words and to put those words together to form an understandable statement, individuals now must learn to navigate and use the technology around them. The sounds that we are working to put together are those of how we can communicate with people on the other side of the world through the internet, how we can share what we are learning and thinking about with anyone who may be interested. Sometimes I feel like I’m a toddler again and the sounds I’m putting together don’t quite make sense yet….or the picture on my blog won’t go where I want it to. In order to have the power of language, one must master that language. This class is helping us to come closer to mastering the digital language, so that we can unlock the power and opportunities that the digital world has to offer.